News Tab
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Use the News feature to check the Internet for news and software updates from Fookes Software. News items are organized by category. A single mouse click on a news item will display the corresponding Web page in your browser or starts a file download. Icons are displayed next to news items and have the following meaning:

w_newsThe news item has either been added today or after you last displayed news.  
w_oldnewsThe news item has already been displayed before.  
w_exeThe news item link points to an .exe Setup file.  
w_zipThe news item link points to a .zip file.  
w_mailtoThe news item is an e-mail address link.  

The News feature is useful to find out if a new Easy Thumbnails update is available. It also displays news about our other major releases and occasionally special offers that we make available to our users. Information is transmitted one way only, from our server to your computer. The news feature does not send any details about your system to us. Easy Thumbnails determines locally what relevant news to display to you.

Usually, program updates are downloaded and installed directly from within Easy Thumbnails — updating your software this way couldn't be easier. However, be aware that some download managers may take over this download process and interfere with normal operations. When this happens, you may see a prompt from Easy Thumbnails asking you to tell it when the download has been completed.

You can configure Easy Thumbnails to automatically check for news at regular intervals by checking the Check for news every 15 days option on the News tab. The News tab will automatically become active if new news items have been added since the last viewing. If the Update button is available, you can use it to update news manually by clicking on it. This button is only displayed when the Check for news every 15 days option is unchecked.